Discrete Semiconductors
Darlington pairs, also known as Darlington Transistors are discrete semiconductor devices consisting of a package of two standard BJT transistors (bipolar junction transistor). One of the transistors is high-gain while the other is high current. RS Components offer a wide range of high-quality Darlington Transistors from leading brands including ON Semiconductor, STMicroelectronics, Texas Instruments and Nexperia.How do they work?The emitter of one transistor is connected to the base of the other transistor which effectively creates one transistor. They are used to amplify weak signals from one circuit to another circuit or microprocessor. This means that the tiny current from a sensor or microcontroller I/O pin can be amplified to drive a large load. Darlington pairs can also be operated as an ON/OFF switch. Darlington pairs work together as a single transistor but feature a much higher current gain. They also offer high input impedance in comparison to single transistors.Why should you use a Darlington pair?Darlington pairs provide a very high current gain. Working as two transistors within one package, Darlington pairs have a very compact footprint which takes up minimal space on a (PCB) printed circuit board.What applications would you use them in?With high current gain, Darlington transistors are well suited to power applications such as driving motors and relays. Darlington pairs are ideal for application in display drivers, audio outputs, power regulators, light sensors, touch sensors and power supply outputs. It is not recommended to use them in applications that require high frequency as it is not possible to shut the base current off immediately.What are the different types?Darlington pairs can consist of either NPN (negative-positive-negative) transistors, PNP (positive-negative-positive) transistors or both.Darlington pairs are typically supplied in one of two ways. You can purchase them as an array (called a Darlington array) within a single integrated circuit (IC) package, or as a simple single discrete component.Standard package type examples include SOT-23, SOIC, TO-220 and TO-252 (DPAK)
STMicroelectronics Surface Mount, 3-pin, TRIAC, 800V, Gate Trigger 1.3V 800V
VND383,150.00Pack (1 Pack of 5) -
STMicroelectronics Through Hole, 3-pin, TRIAC, 600V, Gate Trigger 1.3V 600V
VND514,100.00Pack (1 Pack of 5) -
STMicroelectronics Panel Mount, 3-pin, TRIAC, 800V, Gate Trigger 1.3V 600V
VND386,060.00Pack (1 Pack of 2) -
STMicroelectronics Through Hole, 3-pin, TRIAC, 600V, Gate Trigger 1V 600V
VND158,692.00Pack (1 Pack of 5) -
STMicroelectronics Through Hole, 3-pin, TRIAC, 800V, Gate Trigger 1.3V 800V
VND69,646.00Pack (1 Pack of 2) -
STMicroelectronics Through Hole, 3-pin, TRIAC, 800V, Gate Trigger 1.3V 600V
VND140,262.00Pack (1 Pack of 5) -
STMicroelectronics Through Hole, 3-pin, TRIAC, Gate Trigger 1.3V 600V
VND74,884.00Pack (1 Pack of 5) -
STMicroelectronics Through Hole, 3-pin, TRIAC, 600V, Gate Trigger 1.3V 600V
VND75,660.00Pack (1 Pack of 2) -
STMicroelectronics Through Hole, 3-pin, TRIAC, 600V, Gate Trigger 1.3V 600V
VND52,186.00Pack (1 Pack of 2) -
STMicroelectronics Through Hole, 3-pin, TRIAC, 600V, Gate Trigger 1.3V 600V
VND118,728.00Tube (1 Tube of 2) -
STMicroelectronics Through Hole, 3-pin, TRIAC, 600V, Gate Trigger 1.3V 600V
VND118,146.00Pack (1 Pack of 10) -
STMicroelectronics Through Hole, 3-pin, TRIAC, 600V, Gate Trigger 1.3V 600V
VND177,704.00Pack (1 Pack of 5) -
STMicroelectronics Through Hole, 3-pin, TRIAC, 600V, Gate Trigger 1.3V 600V
VND145,500.00Pack (1 Pack of 5) -
onsemi MJH11022G NPN Darlington Transistor, 15 A 250 V HFE:100, 3-Pin TO-247
VND303,804.00Pack (1 Pack of 2) -
onsemi MJH11021G PNP Darlington Transistor, 15 A 250 V HFE:100, 3-Pin TO-247
VND258,214.00Pack (1 Pack of 2) -
onsemi TIP120G NPN Darlington Transistor, 8 A 60 V HFE:1000, 3-Pin TO-220
VND119,892.00Pack (1 Pack of 10) -
STMicroelectronics BDX34C PNP Darlington Transistor, 10 A 100 V HFE:750, 3-Pin TO-220
VND154,812.00Pack (1 Pack of 10) -
MJ11015G, Darlington Transistor, PNP 30A 120V HFE:200, 3-Pin, TO-204
VND451,826.00Tape (1 Tape of 2) -
STMicroelectronics MJD122T4 NPN Darlington Transistor, 16 A 100 V HFE:100, 3-Pin DPAK
VND378,300.00Reel (1 Reel of 20) -
STMicroelectronics TIP112 NPN Darlington Transistor, 2 A 100 V HFE:500, 3-Pin TO-220
VND205,640.00Pack (1 Pack of 10) -
STMicroelectronics BD682 PNP Darlington Transistor, 4 A 100 V HFE:750, 3-Pin SOT-32
VND81,868.00Pack (1 Pack of 5) -
STMicroelectronics ULN2003D1013TR, 7-element NPN Darlington Transistor, 500 mA 50 V HFE:1000, 16-Pin SOIC
VND105,148.00Pack (1 Pack of 10) -
Vishay Switching Diode, 300mA 75V, 2-Pin DO-35 1N914TR
VND541,842.00Pack (1 Pack of 500) -
STMicroelectronics Switching Diode, 2A 600V, 2-Pin DO-41 STTH2R06
VND97,582.00Pack (1 Pack of 10)