Semiconductor Development Kits
These development kits are to be used with programmable logic technology, they are easy to use and efficient ways of programming your logic devices, whether they are FPGA technology, CPLD or an ARM Processor. Programmable logic development kits can also be called “trainer board” or “starter kits”.These development kits come with all the generic adapters, most often via USB cables, needed to easily program your devices.Types of Programmable Logic:FPGA – Field Programmable Gate ArrayCPLD – Complex Programmable Logic DeviceARM ProcessorTypes of programmable logic development kits-USB Programmers – These USB programmers generally run a USB from your computer to a small board that allows you to efficiently program various chips.Flying Leads – Adaptor that allows you to use flying wires to connect to distributed terminals on PCB’s and from there program your devices.Module boards – Add-on boards to provide additional benefits such as hi-speed USB transfers or use with breadboards.Development kits, starter kits and modules are available from a range of brands such as, Altera, Lattice Semiconductor Terasic, Xilnx, Trenz Electronc GmbH and more.
FTDI Chip 3.3 V TTL Evaluation Board TTL-232R-3V3-PCB
VND452,214.00 -
STMicroelectronics X-NUCLEO-IHM14A1 Stepper Motor Driver Expansion Board for X-NUCLEO-IHM14A1 for Arduino UNO R3, STM32
VND454,542.00 -
Parallax Inc PIR Sensor Module
VND460,944.00 -
MikroElektronika Development Kit MIKROE-1582
VND462,496.00 -
MikroElektronika WiFi ESP Click ESP-WROOM-02 WiFi mikroBus Click Board for Create Smart Appliances, Home Automation
VND468,122.00 -
STMicroelectronics X-NUCLEO-IHM02A1 Two Axis Stepper Motor Driver Expansion Board for X-NUCLEO-IHM02A1 for STM32 Nucleo
VND470,256.00 -
Okdo E1 Evaluation Board OKLPC5569R0-EVB
VND472,196.00 -
STMicroelectronics STEVAL-MKI176V1 for use with DIP24 Socket
VND476,464.00 -
STMicroelectronics STEVAL-MKI173V1 for use with DIP24 Socket
VND484,418.00 -
FTDI Chip USB Dongle - USB-KEY
VND484,418.00 -
STMicroelectronics STEVAL-MKI174V1 for use with DIP24 Socket
VND485,970.00 -
Microchip Xplained Mini MCU Evaluation Kit ATSAMD10-XMINI
VND490,432.00 -
STMicroelectronics Discovery MCU Development Kit STM32F3DISCOVERY
VND494,506.00 -
Microchip Xplained Mini MCU Development Board ATMEGA328P-XMINI
VND495,670.00 -
Seeed Studio 104030008, Grove-OLED Display 0.96 in OLED Display Development Board, Display Module With SSD1308
VND496,058.00 -
Microchip Xplained Nano MCU Evaluation Kit ATTINY416-XNANO
VND496,834.00 -
Microchip Xplained Mini MCU Evaluation Kit ATTINY817-XMINI
VND497,804.00 -
Microchip Xplained Mini MCU Evaluation Kit ATMEGA328PB-XMINI
VND497,804.00 -
Seeed Studio Grove-VOC and eCO2 Gas Sensor (SGP30) Gas Sensor for SGP30 Indoor Air Quality Application
VND498,580.00 -
Seeed Studio Grove - I2C Motor Driver with L298, Arduino Compatible Board
VND499,162.00 -
DFRobot Development Board Microcontroller Development Kit DFR0478
VND521,472.00 -
STMicroelectronics LPS22HH Adapter Board for a Standard DIL24 Socket Adapter Board Standard DIL24 Socket
VND523,218.00 -
Digilent Pmod OLEDrgb: 96 x 64 RGB OLED Display with 16-bit Color Resolution Expansion Module
VND528,262.00 -
Arduino, Leonardo without headers