Semiconductor Development Kits
These development kits are to be used with programmable logic technology, they are easy to use and efficient ways of programming your logic devices, whether they are FPGA technology, CPLD or an ARM Processor. Programmable logic development kits can also be called “trainer board” or “starter kits”.These development kits come with all the generic adapters, most often via USB cables, needed to easily program your devices.Types of Programmable Logic:FPGA – Field Programmable Gate ArrayCPLD – Complex Programmable Logic DeviceARM ProcessorTypes of programmable logic development kits-USB Programmers – These USB programmers generally run a USB from your computer to a small board that allows you to efficiently program various chips.Flying Leads – Adaptor that allows you to use flying wires to connect to distributed terminals on PCB’s and from there program your devices.Module boards – Add-on boards to provide additional benefits such as hi-speed USB transfers or use with breadboards.Development kits, starter kits and modules are available from a range of brands such as, Altera, Lattice Semiconductor Terasic, Xilnx, Trenz Electronc GmbH and more.
Digilent 410-249 Programmer Adapter for use with Xilinx FPGAs
VND1,772,190.00 -
Digilent Pmod RS232 Module 410-068
VND403,520.00 -
Digilent Analog-to-Digital Converter Expansion Module 410-064
VND815,382.00 -
STMicroelectronics STM32 Nucleo-144 MCU Development Board NUCLEO-F722ZE
VND566,674.00 -
STMicroelectronics STEVAL-MKI174V1 for use with DIP24 Socket
VND485,970.00 -
SEGGER 8.06.01 J-Link RX Adapter Adapter for use with J-Link Probes
VND4,109,696.00 -
Microchip Xplained Pro MCU Development Board ATSAMD21-XPRO
VND1,617,960.00 -
Microchip ATmega Evaluation Kit ATMEGA256RFR2-XPRO
VND3,702,490.00 -
Microchip Curiosity MCU Development Board DM320103
VND1,599,530.00 -
Adafruit 2895 FeatherWing Non-Latching Relay for Adafruit Feather
VND253,364.00 -
Adafruit 2927 FeatherWing Add-On Board for ATmega32u4, ATSAM M0, ESP8266 for All Feather Board
VND634,574.00 -
ADAFRUIT Feather 32u4 Basic Proto MCU Development Board 2771
VND634,574.00 -
Adafruit 2922, FeatherWing Datalogger Real Time Clock (RTC) Add On Board for Feather Development Board
VND284,598.00 -
ADAFRUIT Feather M0 Adalogger MCU Development Board 2796
VND634,574.00 -
ADAFRUIT Feather 32u4 Bluefruit LE MCU Development Board 2829
VND918,590.00 -
ADAFRUIT METRO Mini 328 MCU Development Board 2590
VND418,652.00 -
ADAFRUIT PRO TRINKET 3V MCU Development Board 2010
VND316,414.00 -
ADAFRUIT Feather HUZZAH WiFi Development Board 2821
VND578,120.00 -
ADAFRUIT MicroPython Pyboard V1.1 MCU Development Board 2390
VND1,564,804.00 -
ADAFRUIT Feather M0 WiFi Development Board 3010
VND1,111,620.00 -
Adafruit 2133, Sound FX Audio Processor Application Board
VND634,574.00 -
Adafruit FONA MiniGSM SMA SIM800 Mobile Communication (Cellular) Module 1963
VND1,380,698.00 -
VND206,610.00 -
Adafruit USB Software Defined Radio (SDR) Dongle 24MHz 1497