Semiconductor Development Kits
These development kits are to be used with programmable logic technology, they are easy to use and efficient ways of programming your logic devices, whether they are FPGA technology, CPLD or an ARM Processor. Programmable logic development kits can also be called “trainer board” or “starter kits”.These development kits come with all the generic adapters, most often via USB cables, needed to easily program your devices.Types of Programmable Logic:FPGA – Field Programmable Gate ArrayCPLD – Complex Programmable Logic DeviceARM ProcessorTypes of programmable logic development kits-USB Programmers – These USB programmers generally run a USB from your computer to a small board that allows you to efficiently program various chips.Flying Leads – Adaptor that allows you to use flying wires to connect to distributed terminals on PCB’s and from there program your devices.Module boards – Add-on boards to provide additional benefits such as hi-speed USB transfers or use with breadboards.Development kits, starter kits and modules are available from a range of brands such as, Altera, Lattice Semiconductor Terasic, Xilnx, Trenz Electronc GmbH and more.
Parallax Inc Key Fob Remote Control Development Kit 433MHz 700-10016
VND603,922.00 -
MikroElektronika MIKROE-1528 Click Shield for MIKROE-1528
VND604,310.00 -
MikroElektronika MIKROE-950 DAC Click mikroBus Click Board Signal Conversion Development Kit
VND604,310.00 -
FTDI Chip Development Kit UMFT201XA-01
VND604,504.00 -
VND618,472.00 -
Arduino, Uno Rev 3 SMD
VND623,322.00 -
STMicroelectronics Discovery MCU Development Kit STM32F407G-DISC1
VND624,098.00 -
Seeed Studio Sidekick Basic Kit, Arduino Compatible Board
VND629,724.00 -
MikroElektronika UART 1-Wire Click MIKROE-3340
VND630,306.00 -
MikroElektronika MIKROE-2272 PWM Driver Click Motor Controller for DMP3010LK3, Si8711CC for DC Motor Speed Control
VND631,664.00 -
MikroElektronika MIKROE-1918 DAC 2 Click Add On Board Signal Conversion Development Kit
VND631,664.00 -
Adafruit 2133, Sound FX Audio Processor Application Board
VND634,574.00 -
ADAFRUIT Feather M0 Adalogger MCU Development Board 2796
VND634,574.00 -
ADAFRUIT Feather 32u4 Basic Proto MCU Development Board 2771
VND634,574.00 -
Adafruit 2927 FeatherWing Add-On Board for ATmega32u4, ATSAM M0, ESP8266 for All Feather Board
VND634,574.00 -
Seeed Studio, Relay Shield V3.0
VND636,126.00 -
Seeed Studio Grove-Temperature, Humidity, Pressure and Gas Sensor (BME680) for BME680 Indoor Air Quality Application,
VND646,602.00 -
FTDI Chip TTL-232R-5V-WE
VND646,990.00 -
Arduino, Nano 33 IOT Module
VND650,870.00 -
Arduino, Uno Rev 3
VND651,064.00 -
Microchip ATtiny3217 Curiosity Nano Evaluation Kit Microcontroller Microcontroller Board EV50J96A
VND653,004.00 -
Microchip Curiosity Nano Evaluation Kit Evaluation Kit DM164144
VND653,004.00 -
Arduino, Arduino Motor Shield Rev3 USB, L298P - A000079
VND657,466.00 -
MikroElektronika RS485 3 Click Development Kit MIKROE-2821