Safety Signs
Security signs are used across a multitude of public and private spaces to communicate the presence of any security devices or surveillance systems in place on the premises, such as closed circuit television or CCTV. They can be displayed as a useful deterrent in order to help prevent crime by highlighting that there is increased security on site, but are also important in terms of GDPR and personal security, by making even lawful visitors aware that their movements will be monitored. With several million CCTV cameras installed in the UK alone, these security signs are becoming more commonplace features of public and private spaces.Who uses security signs?Apart from businesses and establishments that have to make all customers and employees aware that their movements will be monitored, security signs can also be seen on personal properties such as homes and garages. A significant number of homeowners choose to install video surveillance systems such as CCTV on their homes for safety and insurance purposes, and may choose to display CCTV signs as a warning for any trespassers or potential thieves.While video surveillance signs are typically the recognisable yellow and black CCTV signs, our range of security labels and signs are available in different sizes, styles and languages to best suit your premises. As these signs are most commonly intended for outdoor use, they are typically made from plastics such as polypropylene or vinyl in order to protect them from environmental factors such as low temperatures or extreme weather conditions.
Plastic Fire Safety Sign, Emergency Assembly Point With English Text Self-Adhesive
VND1,528,526.00 -
Plastic Fire Safety Sign, Fire Action Instructions With English Text
VND378,494.00 -
Plastic Fire Safety Sign, Fire Door Keep Shut With English Text
VND518,950.00Pack (1 Pack of 5) -
Plastic Fire Safety Sign, Fire Exit Keep Clear With English Text
VND666,196.00 -
Plastic Fire Safety Sign, Fire Extinguisher With English Text
VND185,076.00 -
Plastic Fire Safety Sign, Flammable Liquids, For Use On - Wood, Gaseous Fires, Live Electrical Equipment, Paper,
VND305,162.00 -
Plastic No Mobiles Prohibition Sign, None
VND278,002.00 -
Plastic No Pedestrians Prohibition Sign, None
VND278,002.00 -
Plastic No Smoking Prohibition Sign, No Smoking, English
VND138,128.00Pack (1 Pack of 5) -
Plastic No Smoking Prohibition Sign, None
VND278,002.00 -
PP Fire Safety Sign, Fire Action Instructions With English Text
VND353,662.00 -
PP Fire Safety Sign, Know Your Code With English Text
VND198,656.00 -
PP No Smoking Prohibition Sign, No Eating, No Smoking, English
VND851,466.00 -
PP Rigid Plastic Danger Prohibition Sign, Danger Keep Out, English
VND204,282.00 -
PP Rigid Plastic Keep Out Prohibition Sign, No Admittance-Sign, English
VND120,862.00 -
PP Rigid Plastic Keep Out Prohibition Sign, No Admittance-Sign, English
VND358,512.00 -
PP Rigid Plastic Keep Out Prohibition Sign,Unauthorised Persons Not To Use-Text, English
VND607,608.00 -
PP Rigid Plastic No Smoking Prohibition Sign, No Smoking, English
VND418,070.00Pack (1 Pack of 6) -
PP Rigid Plastic Prohibition Sign, Do Not Use Mobile Phones, English
VND122,414.00 -
Protective Clothing Required Hazard Warning Sign (English)
VND291,970.00 -
PVC FIRE EXIT, Fire Exit, English, Exit Sign
VND371,510.00VND173,824.00 -
PVC FIRE EXIT, Fire Exit, English, Exit Sign
VND430,098.00 -
PVC No Smoking Prohibition Sign, No Smoking No Naked Lights, Warning Petroleum Mixture, English
VND714,502.00 -
Rigid Plastic FIRE EXIT, Fire Exit, English, Exit Sign